Acupuncture for allergy/Chinese herbs for allergy In 2014, we introduced our allergy relief tinctures and granules to our patients. It was a great success. All of the patients and family members who took our allergy herb were astonished by how miraculously it worked and how well they felt after using it! For the past two years, due to great demand, we are making this Chinese herb available for everyone who suffers from seasonal allergy or pollen allergy and is interested in using Traditional Chinese Medicine to relieve the symptoms and strengthen their immune system. You don’t have to be a patient to benefit from this wonderful herb.
According to Chinese medicine, seasonal allergy or pollen allergy indicates a dishormony between our body and our living environment. In another word, our body is over reacting to pollen or other allergens that are harmless to us. There is always underline weakness that we need to address in order to cure it completely. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be used alone or together to relieve symptoms and correct the underline weakness.
Many people take medications for their allergy. Some of them take allergy medication year round. Have they ever thought about how much toxicity they are bringing in to the body? Have they ever thought about that long term use of this type of medication would eventually alter the normal regulatory response of the body and causing irreversible health problems down on the road?
Chinese herbal medicine or acupuncture, on the contrary, works very effectively by harmonizing our body with our environment and strengthening our immune system. It’s so natural that it doesn’t suppress our body’s regulatory/response mechanism and there is no side effects either. In addition to that, when you use acupuncture or Chinese herbs, not only the symptoms subsides quickly (often times 20 minutes after you take it), you will also experience many other benefits such as elevated sense of well being, improved energy, and improved sleep etc.
The herbal formula we offer at our center is carefully formulated by our center director Liping Wang. It has about twelve individual herbs mixed with balanced proportions to deliver the utmost effectiveness. These herbs work synergistically to relieve all of the allergy symptomes and strengthen immune system at the same time. Last year many of our patients and family members were able to enjoy beautiful spring days outside of their houses because of this allergy herb. Some even bought it for their neighbors.
This formula comes in three different forms, granules, tinctures, and raw herbs. Granules are concentrated powders that need to be dissolved in warm water. Tinctures can be taken right away. Raw herbs need to be cooked to obtain decoction. You will then drink decoction.
Chinese herbal medicine is a very complexed and well developed medicine systom. Before Western medicine was introduced to China in 18th century, Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture were the only medicinal systems that provided cure to every disease people had suffered, from the simple common cold to more serious and difficult diseases such as stroke, pneumonia, heart attack etc. Please visit (click “Jade Wellness Center”, then “About Herbal Medicine” to understand the foundamentals of Chinese herbal medicine and the different types of Chinese herbal medicine preparations.)
Whether you are our acupuncture patients who want to use this formula in conjunction with your treatments or you are not interested in acupuncture but would like to try this herbal formula, simply give us a call and let us know you are coming to pick up the allergy herb. We will have the herb ready for you.
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